Riverwalk Community Development District Meeting Agenda May 15, 2024 May 8, 2024 Board of Supervisors Riverwalk Community Development District Dear Board Members: The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Riverwalk Community Development District will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 3:30 PM at 219 E. Livingston Street, Orlando, FL 32801. Following is the advance agenda for the meeting: 1. Roll Call 2. Public Comment Period 3. Approval of Minutes of the May 1, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting 4. Consideration of Resolution 2024-03 Approving a Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing 5. Consideration of Disclosure of Public Finance 6. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Engineer C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement iii. Ratification of Updated Meeting Location iv. Designation of November 5, 2024 as Landowners’ Meeting Date 7. Field Manager’s Report A. Presentation of Landscape Maintenance RFP Scope of Work and Map B. Consideration of Landscape Maintenance Proposal from Exclusive Landscaping C. Consideration of Amended Fountain Maintenance Contract from Cascade 8. Other Business 9. Supervisor’s Requests 10. Adjournment Sincerely, George S. Flint George S. Flint District Manager MINUTES OF MEETING RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Riverwalk Community Development District was held Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. at 219 E Livingston St, Orlando, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Chris Wrenn Chairman Eric Baker Vice Chairman Mary Burns Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager, GMS Jarrett Wright by phone Field Manager Tucker Mackie by phone District Counsel Ryan Dugan District Counsel John Townsend District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Three Board members were present in person constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There were no members of the public present for the meeting. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the March 20, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Flint presented the minutes from the March 20, 2024 meeting and asked the Board for any comments, corrections, or questions. There being none, there was a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Baker, seconded by Ms. Burns, with all in favor, the Minutes of the March 20, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financing Matters A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-02 Supplemental Assessment Resolution Mr. Flint stated that the underwriter has priced the bonds, and they have a closing date scheduled for May 8th. They went through an assessment process to place a master lien. He explained that this resolution is approving the final form of the Supplemental Assessment Methodology, which reflects the actual terms of the bond issue. Mr. Dugan explained that this resolution is finalizing the assessments based on what actually happened with the bonds. He further explained that the exhibits would lay forth the engineer’s reports that are used for the assessments and also the key terms for the bonds that are used to finalize the assessment roll. He was happy to answer any questions. On MOTION by Mr. Wrenn, seconded by Mr. Baker, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-02 Supplemental Assessment Resolution, was approved. B. Consideration of Post Issuance Compliance and Remedial Action Procedures Mr. Dugan explained that the federal tax law has restrictions on how bond funds are used trying to address private use of bond funds. After explaining the post issuance compliance and remedial action procedures, Mr. Dugan stated that he would be happy to answer any questions. On MOTION by Mr. Wrenn, seconded by Mr. Baker, with all in favor, the Post Issuance Compliance and Remedial Action Procedures, was approved. C. Ratification of Acquisition of Completed Improvements i. Riverwalk Phase 1A Utility Improvements ii. Riverwalk Phase 1A Roads and Stormwater Improvements iii. Riverwalk Phase 1C Utility Improvements iv. Riverwalk Phase 1C Roads and Stormwater Improvements v. Econlockhatchee Trail Segment E2 Phase 1 Utility Improvements vi. Econlockhatchee Trail Segment E2 Phase 2A Utility Improvements vii. Econlockhatchee Trail Segment E2 Phase 2B Utility Improvements Mr. Dugan stated the agenda package included all of the acquisition binders that have been put together and reviewed by District staff. He explained that this is for this District’s acquisition of completed improvements that were constructed by the developer pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement that they already have in place. The total amount from all these different acquisitions from the various phases is approximately $14,400,000, which doesn’t include certain retainage amounts that are noted in the documents. The District staff has reviewed the supporting documents and confirmed that they meet the terms of the Acquisition Agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Wrenn, seconded by Mr. Baker, with all in favor, the Acquisition of Completed Improvements, was ratified. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Requisition #1 for Series 2024 Project to Pulte Home Company, LLC Mr. Dugan explained that there is a process in the indenture for requesting bonds funds from the trustee. He further explained that this Requisition #1 is based on the form that is filled in to correspond with the improvements that were just acquired. He noted that the improvements acquired exceed the amount of available bond funds by approximately $10,000,000. He was happy to answer any questions. He stated that they were asking the Board to approve Requisition #1 for the $4,900,000 that will be available after closing on May 8th. On MOTION by Mr. Wrenn, seconded by Mr. Baker, with all in favor, Requisition #1 for Series 2024 Project to Pulte Home Company, LLC, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement between the District and Disclosure Technology Services, LLC, for Disclosure Dissemination Support Services Mr. Flint noted that DTS provides a software that facilitates the reporting that is required on the Continuing Disclosure Agreement. He explained that this software basically works in conjunction with the CDD as dissemination agent and facilitates the developer being able to do their quarterly and annual reports more easily. He added that it was something the underwriter, FMS, has requested that all the Districts utilized. The cost in the first year is covered in the cost of issuance. On MOTION by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Wrenn, with all in favor, the Agreement between the District and Disclosure Technology Services, LLC, for Disclosure Dissemination Support Services, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Dugan had nothing further to report. B. Engineer Mr. Townsend had nothing for the Board. C. District Manager’s Report i. Presentation of Number of Registered Voters: 0 Mr. Flint stated that there was currently no registered voters in the community. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Field Manager’s Report Mr. Wright deferred the Field Manger’s report to the May 15th meeting. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Wrenn, seconded by Mr. Baker, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. ______________________________ ______________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman RESOLUTION 2024-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT APPROVING A PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025 AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON PURSUANT TO FLORIDA LAW; ADDRESSING TRANSMITTAL, POSTING AND PUBLICATION REQUIREMENTS; ADDRESSING SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the District Manager has heretofore prepared and submitted to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Riverwalk Community Development District (“District”) a proposed budget (“Proposed Budget”) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025 (“Fiscal Year 2024/2025”); and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Proposed Budget and desires to set the required public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: 1. PROPOSED BUDGET APPROVED. The Proposed Budget prepared by the District Manager for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved as the basis for conducting a public hearing to adopt said Proposed Budget. 2. SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing on said approved Proposed Budget is hereby declared and set for the following date, hour and location: DATE: August 21, 2024 HOUR: 3:30 PM LOCATION: 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 3. TRANSMITTAL OF PROPOSED BUDGET TO LOCAL GENERAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT. The District Manager is hereby directed to submit a copy of the Proposed Budget to Polk County at least 60 days prior to the hearing set above. 4. POSTING OF PROPOSED BUDGET. In accordance with Section 189.016, Florida Statutes, the District’s Secretary is further directed to post the approved Proposed Budget on the District’s website at least two days before the budget hearing date as set forth in Section 2, and shall remain on the website for at least 45 days. 5. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. Notice of this public hearing shall be published in the manner prescribed in Florida law. 6. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of this Resolution shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this Resolution, or any part thereof. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 15th DAY OF MAY 2024. ATTEST: RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _____________________________ By:___________________________ Secretary Its:____________________________ This instrument was prepared by: Tucker F. Mackie, Esq. Kutak Rock LLP 107 West College Ave Tallahassee, Florida 32301 DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC FINANCE The Riverwalk Community Development District (“District”) is a unit of special-purpose local government created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. Under Florida law, community development districts are required to take affirmative steps to provide for the full disclosure of information relating to the public financing and maintenance of improvements to real property undertaken by such districts. The following information is provided to fulfill this statutory requirement. WHAT IS THE DISTRICT AND HOW IS IT GOVERNED? The District is an independent local unit of special purpose government, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and established by Ordinance No. 2022-44, which was enacted by the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, and which became effective on August 15, 2022. The District currently encompasses approximately 404.22 acres of land located entirely within the City of Orlando, Florida (“City”). The legal description of the lands encompassed within the District is attached hereto as Exhibit A. As a local unit of special-purpose government, the District provides an alternative means for planning, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining various public improvements and community facilities within its jurisdiction. The District is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors (“Board”), the members of which are initially elected by landowners within the District and must be at least eighteen (18) years of age, a resident of the State and a citizen of the United States. Upon the later of six (6) years after the District’s establishment and the year when the District next attains at least two hundred fifty (250) qualified electors, Supervisors whose terms are expiring will begin to be elected (as their terms expire) by qualified electors of the District. A qualified elector is a registered voter who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, a resident of the District and the State and a citizen of the United States. At the election where Supervisors are first elected by qualified electors, two Supervisors must be qualified electors and be elected by qualified electors, each elected to four-year terms. The seat of the remaining Supervisor whose term is expiring at such election shall be filled by a Supervisor who is elected by the landowners for a four-year term and who is not required to be a qualified elector. Thereafter, as terms expire, all Supervisors must be qualified electors and must be elected by qualified electors to serve staggered four-year terms. Board meetings are noticed in the local newspaper and are conducted in a public forum in which public participation is permitted. Consistent with Florida’s public records laws, the records of the District are available for public inspection during normal business hours. Board members are similarly bound by the State’s open meetings law and are subject to the same disclosure requirements as other elected officials under the State’s ethics laws. For more information about the District, please visit: riverwalkcdd.com. Alternatively, please contact the District’s Manager, c/o 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 841-5524 (“District Office”). DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS, BONDS & ASSESSMENTS The District is authorized by Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, to finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire, install, equip, operate, extend, construct, or reconstruct onsite and offsite roadway improvements, potable water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water, and stormwater management system, undergrounding of electrical, landscape and irrigation improvements, wetland mitigation, and other infrastructure projects and services necessitated by the development of, and serving lands within, the District. To finance the construction of such projects, the District is authorized to issue bonds that are secured by special assessments levied against properties within the District that are benefitted by the projects. On April 28, 2023, the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Orange County, entered a Final Judgment validating the District’s ability to issue not to exceed $148,500,000 in Special Assessment Bonds for infrastructure needs of the District. Bonds & Assessments On May 8, 2024, the District issued its $5,585,000 Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2024 (2024 Project Area) (“Series 2024 Bonds”) to finance a portion of its capital improvement plan known as the “2024 Project” (“2024 Project”). The 2024 Project includes, among other things, onsite and offsite roadway improvements, potable water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water, and stormwater management system, described in more detail in the Engineer’s Report for Capital Improvement Plan dated January 17, 2023, as supplemented by the First Supplemental Engineer’s Report for Capital Improvement Program dated March 20, 2024 (together, the “Engineer’s Report”). The 2024 Bonds are secured by special assessments (“Series 2024 Assessments”) levied and imposed on benefitted lands within the District. The Assessments are further described in the Master Assessment Methodology for Riverwalk Community Development District, dated January 18, 2023, and the Supplemental Assessment Methodology for the 2024 Project Area for Riverwalk Community Development District, dated April 17, 2024 (together, the “Assessment Report”). The District may undertake the construction, acquisition, or installation of other future improvements and facilities, which may be financed by bonds, notes or other methods authorized by Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. For further information, please contact the District’s Manager at 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 841-5524. Operation and Maintenance Assessments In addition to Series 2024 Assessments, the District also imposes on an annual basis operations and maintenance assessments (“O&M Assessments”), which are determined and calculated annually by the Board in order to fund the District’s annual operations and maintenance budget. O&M Assessments are levied against all benefitted lands in the District and may vary from year to year based on the amount of the District’s budget. O&M Assessments may also be affected by the total number of units that ultimately are constructed within the District. The allocation of O&M Assessments is set forth in the resolutions imposing the assessments. Please contact the District Office for more information regarding the allocation of O&M Assessments. Collection Methods For any given fiscal year, the District may elect to collect any special assessment for any lot or parcel by any lawful means. Generally speaking, the District may elect to place a special assessment on that portion of the annual real estate tax bill, entitled “non-ad valorem assessments,” which would then be collected by the Orange County Tax Collector in the same manner as county ad valorem taxes. Alternatively, the District may elect to collect any special assessment by sending a direct bill to a given landowner. The District reserves the right to change collection methods from year to year. For more information, please visit: http://riverwalkcdd.com. Additionally, a detailed description of all of the District’s assessments, fees and charges, as well as copies of the Engineer’s Report, Assessment Report, and other District records described herein, may be obtained from the registered agent of the District as designated to the Florida Department of Commerce in accordance with Section 189.014, Florida Statutes, or by contacting the District’s Manager, c/o 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 841-5524. Please note that changes to the District’s capital improvement plans and financing plans may affect the information contained herein and all such information is subject to change at any time and without further notice. [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing Disclosure of Public Finance has been executed to be effective as of the ___ day of ________________ 2024. WITNESS By: Name: RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT By: Name: Title: By: Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF _____________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of . physical presence or . online notarization, this _____ day of _____________ 2024, by _________________________, as _________________ of RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, who appeared before me this day in person, and who is either personally known to me, or produced ______________________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Name:_____________________________ (Name of Notary Public, Printed, Stamped or Typed as Commissioned) EXHIBIT A: Legal Description of Boundaries of District EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Boundaries of District LANDOWNER PROXY RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA LANDOWNERS’ MEETING – November 5, 2024 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, the fee simple owner of the lands described herein, hereby constitutes and appoints __________________ (“Proxy Holder”) for and on behalf of the undersigned, to vote as proxy at the meeting of the landowners of Riverwalk Community Development District to be held at 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, on November 5, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. and at any adjournments thereof, according to the number of acres of unplatted land and/or platted lots owned by the undersigned landowner that the undersigned would be entitled to vote if then personally present, upon any question, proposition, or resolution or any other matter or thing that may be considered at said meeting including, but not limited to, the election of members of the Board of Supervisors. Said Proxy Holder may vote in accordance with his or her discretion on all matters not known or determined at the time of solicitation of this proxy, which may legally be considered at said meeting. Any proxy heretofore given by the undersigned for said meeting is hereby revoked. This proxy is to continue in full force and effect from the date hereof until the conclusion of the landowners’ meeting and any adjournment or adjournments thereof, but may be revoked at any time by written notice of such revocation presented at the landowners’ meeting prior to the Proxy Holder’s exercising the voting rights conferred herein. Printed Name of Legal Owner Signature of Legal Owner Date Parcel Description Acreage Authorized Votes See Attachment A 404.22 _______________________________________ _______ _______ _______________________________________ _______ _______ Total Number of Authorized Votes: NOTES: Pursuant to Section 190.006(2)(b), Florida Statutes, a fraction of an acre is treated as one (1) acre entitling the landowner to one vote with respect thereto. Moreover, two (2) or more persons who own real property in common that is one acre or less are together entitled to only one vote for that real property. If the fee simple landowner is not an individual, and is instead a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership or other entity, evidence that the individual signing on behalf of the entity has the authority to do so should be attached hereto (e.g., bylaws, corporate resolution, etc.). OFFICIAL BALLOT RIVERWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA LANDOWNERS’ MEETING – November 5, 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________ For Election (5 Supervisors): The two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes will each receive a four (4) year term, and the one (1) candidate receiving the next highest number of votes will receive a two (2) year term, with the term of office for the successful candidates commencing upon election. The undersigned certifies that he/she/it is the fee simple owner of land, or the proxy holder for the fee simple owner of land, located within the Riverwalk Community Development District and described as follows: Description Acreage See Attachment A 404.22 ___________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________ _______ or Attach Proxy. I, __________________________, as Landowner, or as the proxy holder of _________________________________________, (Landowner) pursuant to the Landowner’s Proxy attached hereto, do cast my votes as follows: NAME OF CANDIDATE NUMBER OF VOTES 1. __________________________________ _________ 2. __________________________________ _________ 3. __________________________________ _________ 4. _________________________________ _________ 5. __________________________________ _________ Date: Signed: _____________________________ Printed Name: ________________________ RIVERWALK CDD LANDSCAPE SCOPE OF WORK The work for the landscape maintenance is to include the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, accessories, and services necessary or incidental to meet the requirements outlined in this scope below. The intention is to sustain all turf and plant materials in a healthy, vigorous growing condition, free from weeds, diseases, insects, and nutritional deficiencies as well as a completely operational irrigation system. All associated planted areas are to be kept in a continuous healthy, neat, clean and debris free condition for the entire life of the contract. The below scope is divided into “elements” to define the elements involved and required in the maintenance of the property. General Services- Component “A” Turf Maintenance Turf maintenance is defined as all mowing, edging, trimming and cleanup of lawn areas. High traffic and high-profile areas such as the entrances and Amenity/clubhouse areas will be completely mowed, edged, trimmed and cleaned up prior to normal business hours of operation. In the event it becomes necessary to make a change in the mowing schedule for any reason, the CDD Management must be notified prior to adjustment of schedule. Mowing during inclement weather will not alleviate the contractor of responsibility for damage caused by the mowing of wet areas. Mowing Prior to mowing, remove and dispose of normal litter and debris from all landscape areas. Contractor will not run over litter with mowers. St. Augustine, Bahia turf shall be mowed weekly during the growing season from April 1st through September 30th and bi-weekly during the winter season. It is understood that the contractor may be required to periodically add or delete mowing cycles based on weather or other factors with the consent of the CDD Management. Contractor should anticipate 42 mows annually for all common areas. Unirrigated pond areas and banks will be mowed 32 times annually as needed. St. Augustine, zoysia and Bahia turf shall be cut with rotary mowers to maintain a uniform height. Bahia will be cut between 3.5” and 4.5”. St Augustine will be cut between 4.5” and 5.5”. Mowing heights will be set at 2”–3” for Zoysia turf. Mowing blades shall be kept sufficiently sharp and properly adjusted to provide a cleanly cut grass blade. Variation in the mowing pattern shall carried out when possible so as to not rut or cause paths. Mowing of all ponds or wetland buffer areas shall be done with a 50” mower or larger discharging clippings away from the water. Any pond edges that cannot be reached with the full size mower will be string trimmed every other mow cycle at minimum or as needed to maintain an intended look as per the discretion of CDD management. Visible clippings that may be left following mowing operations shall be removed from the site each visit. Discharging grass clippings into beds, tree rings or maintenance strips is prohibited and if it occurs they shall be removed prior to the end of each service day. Contractor will take special care to prevent damage to plant material as a result of the mowing. Contractor is responsible for damages they cause while mowing. Edging Sidewalks, curbs, and concrete slabs, and other paved surfaces will be edged in conjunction with mowing operations each time. Beds, tree rings, and other landscape edges will be edged once during each detail rotation, every three weeks. Edging is defined as removal of unwanted turf and vegetation along the above borders by use of a mechanical edger. String trimmers are not to be used for edging and a proper edger will be used. Care will be taken to maintain bed edges as designed in either straight or curvilinear lines. String Trimming String Trimming shall be performed around road signs, guard posts, trees, shrubs, utility poles,and other obstacles where mowers cannot reach. Grass shall be trimmed to the same desired height as determined by the turf height specifications. String trimming shall be completed with each mowing cycle. Maintaining grass-free areas by use of chemicals may be the preferred method in certain applications. Such use will only be done with prior approval of the CDD management. Turf around the edge of all waterways shall be mowed or string trimmed to the natural water’s edge during every other mowing cycle at minimum. Blowing When using mechanical blowers to clean curbs, sidewalks and other paved surfaces, care must be taken to prevent blowing grass clippings into beds, onto vehicles or onto other hardscape surfaces. In addition, care also must be taken to disrupt mulch from beds and any mulch blown out of beds must be placed back and raked smooth. Damage Prevention/Repair Special care shall be taken to protect building foundations, fencing, light poles, sign posts, monuments and other hardscape elements from mowing, edging or string trimming equipment damage. Contractor will agree to have repairs made by specialized contractors or reimburse the CDD or homeowners within 30 days for any damage to property caused by their crew members or equipment. Detailing Detailing of planted areas will be performed weekly in a sectional method, each section representing one-third of the entire property. Based on three sections, the contractor will completely detail the entire property once every three weeks at least. The exception will be the entrances, clubhouse areas and any other high profile or focal areas which should be tended to each week the crew is onsite. The detailing process will include trimming, pruning and shaping of all shrubbery, ornamental trees and groundcover, removal of tree suckers, structural pruning or cutbacks of select varieties of plant material and ornamental grasses as directed, as well as the defining of bed lines, tree saucers and the removal of all unwanted vegetation. A detail crew will be onsite at least one day per week 42-52 times per year as needed to accomplish the full amount of detail rotations. Pruning Prune trees, shrubs and groundcovers to encourage healthy growth and create a natural appearance. Prune to control the new plant growth, maintain the desired plant shape and remove dead, damaged, or diseased portions of the plant. Use only hand pruners or loppers on trees and shrubs, particularly groundcover Juniper varieties. Hand shears or Topiary shears will be the preferred method of trimming most formal shrubs. Only use power shears on formal hedges where previous practice was to shear, or as directed by the CDD management. Pruning of trees up to a height of 12 feet is included in the scope of the work. If pruning is required above the height of 12 feet, contractor shall propose an extra service to the CDD representative and acquire approval prior to performing the work. The branching height of trees shall be raised only for the following reasons: Provide clearance for pedestrians, vehicles, mowers and buildings. Minimum 8ft of clearance is required along all walkways and parking areas. Maintain clearance from shrubs in bed areas. Improve visibility in parking lots and around entries. Prune trees to remove weak branching patterns and provide corrective pruning for proper development. Cut back to branch collar without leaving stubs. Provide clean and flush cut with no tearing of the tree bark. Prune to contain perimeter growth within intended bed areas. Established groundcover shall be maintained 4” to 6” away from adjacent hardscape and turf. Bevel or roll leading edges to avoid creating a harsh boxed look. Mature groundcover shall be maintained at a consistent, level height to provide a smooth and even appearance and separation from adjacent plant material. Structural pruning will be required for several varieties of plants bi-annually, annually or semi- annually to maintain their scale and performance within the landscape. The methodology employed is to structurally prune one plant group throughout the entire property during the sectional detail rotation. All needed structural pruning will be done once per year at minimum. All Ornamental Grasses are to be haystack cut one time per year. Crepe Myrtles are to be trimmed once per year in the winter months. Trimming should include removal of old blooms, sucker growth and any cross branching. Trimming should be done in such a way that cuts are no less than 12” away from previous year’s cuts. Pruning of all palms less than 15’ in height will be included in the sectional rotation. Pruning consists of removal of all dead fronds, seedpods, and any loose boots. Weed Control Bed areas are to be left in a weed free condition after each detail service. While pre and post- emergent chemicals are acceptable means of control, weeds in bed areas larger than 3” shall be pulled by hand or string trimmed. Hardscape cracks and expansion joints are to be sprayed in conjunction with the detail cycle to control weeds. Chemical practices shall not be a substitute for hand weeding where the latter is required. Trash Removal Removing trash from all landscape areas will be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor will remove trash from all focal areas, including medians, around amenity areas, and monuments every visit. Other trash will be removed during normal detail rotations. Policing Contractor will police the grounds during each service visit to remove trash, debris and fallen tree litter as needed prior to mowing and edging. Contractor is not responsible for removal of excessive storm debris which would be performed with prior approval with supplemental proposal. As needed contractor will dedicate supplemental personnel and specialized equipment to the removal of seasonal leaf drop from all landscape and hardscape areas during the months of November through April. All litter shall be removed from the property and disposed of off-site. Communication Daily, the contractor will communicate with the CDD representative for any landscape issues requiring immediate attention. Communication is of the utmost importance. Contractor will provide a weekly written report in a form approved by the CDD representative which highlights the main aspects of the previous week’s maintenance activities. This can just be a checklist sent via email on Fridays or Mondays. When requested by CDD management contractor will provide a Monthly Service Calendar for the upcoming period. A copy of the preceding month’s Irrigation Maintenance report and Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization report will be provided monthly. A copy of these documents should be submitted to the CDD representative by the 5th of each month electronically, or in person. This is only necessary should management request, likely due to performance concerns, however the vendor should always have them should management request. Contractor agrees to take part in regular weekly, bi-weekly or monthly inspections, as decided by CDD management, of the property to ensure their performance is satisfactory. Contractor also agrees to complete any work that appears on punch lists resulting from inspections or reviews within three weeks of receiving them. Contractor will have their Account Manager participate on its behalf and have their Lawn and Ornamental and Irrigation Managers or Technicians available for inspection meeting as needed or requested by CDD management. Staffing The Contractor shall have a well-experienced Foreman/Supervisor supervising all work onsite. This person should have knowledge of horticultural practices and be capable of properly supervising others. The Foreman/Supervisor should communicate regularly, daily when needed, with CDD management. Further, In order to maintain continuity, the same Foreman/Supervisor shall direct the scheduled maintenance operations throughout the year. Any anticipated changes in supervisory personnel shall be brought to the attention of the CDD representative prior to any such change. The intent is for maintenance personnel to familiarize themselves with the site. The crew members should be properly trained to carry out their assigned task and should work in a safe professional manner. Each crew member should be in full uniform at all times. Contractor is expected to staff the property with trained personnel experienced in commercial landscape maintenance. All personnel applying fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides must be certified by the state of FL. These individuals should be Best Management Practices Certified and hold a Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Commercial Fertilizer or a Certified Pest Control Operator or an employee with an ID card working under the supervision of a CPCO. Contractor agrees to screen all crew members for criminal background. Also, contractor agrees to follow all INS guidelines for hiring and to maintain an I-9 and other required documents on each employee. Holidays observed that do not require staffing include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, and any other day agreed to by CDD Management. Normal working hours are from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM. No power equipment will be operated near homes before 9:00 AM. Efforts will be made such that ALL work performed around the Amenity Areas and pool area is to be completed prior to busy attendance hours. Saturdays will be made available for makeup work due to inclement weather from 8:00 AM until 5 PM. Component “B” – Turf Care Program ST. AUGUSTINE Application Schedule – Minimum schedule, if more is needed it is up to the contractor to recommend. Monthly Application schedule – St. Augustine . January: Winter fertilization, broadleaf weed control and disease control . March: Spring granular fertilization, broadleaf weed control, insect, and disease control . May: Late spring heavy, 100% slow-release Nitrogen fertilization with Arena and weed Control October: Heavy fall granular fertilization and broadleaf weed/disease control Application Requirements: Fertilization Contractor will submit a schedule of materials to be used under this program along with application rates. Annual program will include a maximum of 4 lbs. of N/1000 square feet with a minimum of 50% slow release and a high Potassium blend in the fall fertilization to promote root development unless soil samples indicate the presence of sufficient Potassium. The winter liquid fertilization should contain a maximum of .5lbs of N/1000 square feet. BAHIA – Where Applicable (Irrigated areas only) Application Schedule - Minimum schedule, if more is needed it is up to the contractor to recommend. Monthly Application Schedule - Bahia . March: Complete liquid fertilizer and broadleaf weed control to include blanket pre-emergent herbicide application. . June: Chelated Iron application and Mole Cricket control. . October: Complete liquid fertilizer and broadleaf weed control to include blanket pre-emergent. Application Requirements: Fertilization Contractor will submit a schedule of materials to be used under this program along with application rates. Annual program will include a minimum of 2 lbs. of N/1000 square feet with a minimum of 30% slow release and a high Potassium blend in the late summer fertilization to promote root development unless soil samples indicate the presence of sufficient potassium. Zoysia Application Schedule - Minimum schedule, if more is needed it is up to the contractor to recommend. Monthly Application Schedule - Zoysia . January: IPM spot treatment for weeds as necessary and inspect/treat fungal activity. February: Pre-emergent herbicide/spot treatment for weeds and fungal activity. . March: Fertilization. Spot treat weeds and treat fungal and insect activity as necessary. . April: Liquid Fertilization with .5lb N, with Iron, post emergent weed control, insect/disease control as necessary. . May: Fertilization . June: Insect/weed/disease control as necessary. July: Insect/weed/disease control as necessary. . August: spot treat weeds as necessary, inspect/treat fungal activity. . September: Liquid Fertilization with emergent weed control, insect/disease control as necessary. October: Fertilization - Weed/insect/disease control as necessary. . November: Blanket Pre-emergent herbicide, w/Liquid Iron. Spot treat weeds and inspect/treat fungal activity. . December: Blanket potash - weeds as necessary, inspect/treat fungal activity. Application Requirements: Fertilization All fertilizers utilized under this program are to be custom blended with a balanced nutrient package. A complete minor and trace element package will be included with each application to ensure that all the requirements of grasses are met. If soil samples indicate a high pH, all fertilizers utilized will be Sulphur coated products. Insect/Disease Control The reduction of irrigation water during the winter season will dramatically reduce the potential for fungus/disease problems. Contractor will be responsible to manage settings of irrigation timers. Supplemental insecticide applications will be provided in addition to the normal preventive programs needed to provide control. Weed Control Weed control will be limited to the broadleaf variety and sedge type grasses under this program. Contractor shall alert management of outbreaks of Crabgrass, Bermuda, Alexander and Dove grasses. Failure to do so will make the contractor liable for resulting turf loss. Supplemental insecticide applications will be provided in addition to the normal preventive program as needed to provide control. Warranty If the grass covered under this turf care program dies due to insect infestation, disease or improper fertilizer application, the affected grass will be replaced at no charge. Contractor will not be held responsible for turf loss due to conditions beyond their control. This includes nematodes, diseases such as Take-All Root Rot and weeds such as Crabgrass which are untreatable with currently available chemicals, high traffic areas, drainage problems, or acts of God. In the event these conditions exist, the contractor is responsible to employ whatever cultural practices can be reasonably performed to extend the life of the affected material. All fertilizers utilized under this program are to be custom blended with a balanced nutrient package. A complete minor and trace element package will be included with each application to ensure that all the requirements of grasses are met. If soil samples indicate a high pH, all fertilizers utilized will be Sulphur coated products. All hardscape surfaces are to be blown off immediately following a fertilizer application to prevent staining. The irrigation system will be fully operational prior to any fertilizer application. Soil testing will be carried out when needed at contractors’ recommendation. Any changes to the fertilization schedule, products used, or techniques will be discussed with CDD management and agreed to by CDD management. Component “C” – Tree/Shrub Care Program Application Schedule – Trees and Shrubs Monthly Application Schedule - . March/April: Insect/disease control/fertilization. May/June: Insect/disease control as needed. . July/August: Minor nutrient blend with insect/disease control. . October: Disease control as needed December. Insect/disease control/fertilization as needed. Application Requirements: Fertilization Contractor will submit a schedule of materials to be used under this program along with application rates. Fertilizers selected must be appropriate for the plant material to be fertilized such as an acid forming fertilizer for Azaleas which require a lower soil pH. Contractor will submit a schedule of materials to be used under this program along with application rates. Annual program will include a minimum of 50% slow-release Nitrogen and a high Potassium blend in the fall fertilization to promote root development unless soil sample results indicate the presence of sufficient Potassium. All fertilizers utilized under this program are to be custom blended with a balanced nutrient package. A complete minor and trace element package will be included with each application to ensure that all the requirements of plant material are met. If soil samples indicate a high pH, all fertilizers utilized will be Sulphur coated products. This program covers all fertility requirements on all existing shrubs and palms, as well as all newly installed shrubs, trees, and palms up to 35’. All native trees or transplanted trees over 35’ in overall height will require special consideration and are therefore excluded from this program. There will be a deep root feeding on an as needed basis to establish newly planted trees. Fertilizer will be distributed evenly under the drip zone of each plant. Special care will be taken not to “clump” fertilizer neither at the base nor in the crown of plants. The irrigation system will be fully operational prior to any fertilizer application. Soil testing will be carried out when needed at contractors’ recommendation. Any changes to the fertilization schedule, products used, or techniques will be discussed with CDD management and agreed to by CDD management. Insect/Disease Control Insect and disease control is intended to mean a thorough inspection of all plantings for the presence of insect or disease activity and the appropriate treatment applied. All insect and disease infestations require follow-up applications for control and are included in this program. Contractor is responsible for the continuous monitoring for the presence of damaging insects or disease. Any problems noted between regularly scheduled visits will be treated as a service call and responded to within 48 hours. Service calls due to active infestations are included in this program. This program covers all disease and Insect activity on all existing shrubs and palms, as well as all newly installed shrubs, trees, and palms up to 35’. All native trees or transplanted trees over 35’ in overall height will require special consideration and are therefore excluded from this program. Contractor will be required to apply all pesticides in accordance with labeled directions including the use of any Personal Protective Equipment. Specialty Palms Considering the investment in Specialty Palms such as Phoenix varieties (i.e. Dactylifera, Sylvester, Senegal Date etc.), contractor will include in their proposed Tree/Shrub program, a comprehensive quarterly fertilization and root/bud drench for potential disease and infestation. When applicable, the contractor will monitor site tubes that have been installed to monitor ground water build up around the root ball of specimen palms to de-water them as necessary. Warranty If a plant or tree dies from insect or disease damage while under this Tree/Shrub Care Program, it will be replaced with one that is reasonably available by contractor if it is reasonably decided to be from negligence by the contractor determined by CDD management. Exclusions to this warranty would be Acts of God, along with pre- existing conditions, i.e. soil contamination or poor drainage, nematodes, borers, locusts and insects such as Asian Cycad Scale. Also excluded are diseases such as Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt, TPDD, Lethal Bronzing, Entomosporium Leaf Spot Fungus and Downey Mildew that are untreatable with currently available chemicals. In the event these conditions exist, the contractor is responsible to promptly report any detection to the CDD representative. Component “D” – Irrigation Maintenance Frequency of Service Contractor will perform the following itemized services under “Specifications” on a monthly basis completing 25% of the inspection each week. The irrigation inspection will should be performed during the same week(s) each month. Repairs under $500 should be carried out each month with just verbal confirmation. Anything over $500 requires written approval. Specifications . Activate each zone of the system. . Visually check for any damaged heads or heads needing repair. . Visually check all landscape areas irrigated with Netafim drip lines to ensure proper water flow and pressure. . Clean filters located at each zone valve monthly if applicable. Clean, straighten or adjust any heads not functioning properly. . Straighten, re-attach to bracing and touch up paint on riser heads as needed. Report any valve or valve box that may be damaged in any way. . Leave areas in which repairs or adjustments are made free of debris. . Adjust controller to the watering needs as dictated by weather conditions, seasonal requirements, and water management district restrictions including adjusting of rain sensors. . Contractor will provide a written report of the findings by zone. Qualifying Statements . Repairs . Repairs that become necessary and that are over and above the routine monthly inspections will be done on a time and material basis. Hourly irrigation repair rates will be defined in overall landscape maintenance contract. . Request for authorization must be submitted to the CDD representative for approval. A description of the problem, its location and estimated cost should be included. All repairs must be approved by the CDD representative prior to initiating any work. It is up to CDD management’s discretion to allow contractor to proceed with repairs at an agreed threshold without prior approval. Service Calls Service Calls required between scheduled visits will be billed on a time and material basis at the rates extra pricing rates. When not an emergency, request for authorization must be submitted in written form to the CDD representative for approval. A description of the problem, its location and estimated cost should be included. All repairs must be approved by the CDD representative prior to initiating any work. Contractor will pay special attention during irrigation (IMC) maintenance inspections to ensure that sprinkler heads are positioned so that water does not spray directly onto buildings, windows, or parking areas. Contractor will be held responsible for any accident that arises from the over spray of water on hard surfaces if it is determined that the contractor was negligent in performing monthly irrigation maintenance. Damage resulting from contractor’s crews working on the property (i.e., mower and edger cuts) will be repaired at no charge to the CDD within 24 hours of being detected. Contractor shall not be held responsible for any system failure caused by lightning, construction work, pre-existing conditions, freeze or other acts of God. Contractor shall not be held responsible for damage to the landscape caused by mandatory water restrictions placed on the property by the governing water management district. Contractor will visually inspect irrigation system weekly while performing routine maintenance. Contractor will provide a 24 hour “Emergency” number for irrigation repairs. Contractor shall take all required readings from meters or at pump stations as required and work with the CDD representative to file all quarterly and/or semi-annual reports to the Water Management District. Component “E” – Additional Services To be priced separately but as part of the landscape contract. These services are subject to bids at management’s discretion at any point. Note: Additional services work is to be considered as a supplement of the overall Landscape Maintenance contract. All Special Services work is to be performed by supplemental crews. CDD management can bid out these services at their discretion and work is to be completed according to this scope, or as CDD Management agrees. In addition, contractor should and is expected to recommend when they believe these services should be carried out in their bid documents. Additionally, all “Additional Services” will be billed in the month they are performed as a separate line item on that month’s invoice. Additional services costs will not be spread out across the full annual contract. E. 1 - Bedding Plants – Annuals (If Applicable) The nature and purpose of “Flower Beds” is to draw attention to the display. The highest level of attention should be placed on their on-going care. Schedule The most appropriate seasonal annuals will be used. A standard yearly rotation includes but is not limited to: All flower beds on the property will be changed out four (4) times per year during the months of January, April, July, and October. Changes to the amounts of annuals, rotations timing, or date of installation can be made at CDD management discretion. Contractor recognizes that flower beds are intended to highlight and beautify high profile areas and should be selected for color, profusion, and display. All newly planted beds will have a minimum of 50% of the plants in bloom at the time of installation and they shall be 4 ½” individual pots. Contractor will obtain prior approval of plant selection from the CDD representative 2 weeks before installation. Installation Plants are to be installed utilizing a triangular spacing of 9” O.C. between plants. Annually, prior to the Spring change out, existing soil will be removed to a depth of 6” in all annual beds and replaced with clean growing medium composed of 60% peat and 40% fine aged Pine Bark. All beds will be cleaned, and hand or machine cultivated to a depth of 6” prior to the installation of new plants. Create a 2” trench where the edge of the bed is adjacent to turf or hardscape. A granular time-release fertilizer and a granular systemic fungicide will be incorporated into the bedding soil at the time of installation. All beds should be covered with 1” layer of Pine bark Fines after planting. Follow-up applications of fertilizer, fungicide and insecticide are provided as needed. Annuals that require replacement due to over-irrigation or under-irrigation will be replaced immediately by contractor without charge to the CDD. Maintenance Flower beds unique to the property will be reviewed daily or at each service visit for the following: Removal of all litter and debris. Beds are to remain weed – free at all times. All declining blooms are to be removed immediately. Inspect for the presence of insect or disease activity and treat immediately. Seed heads are to be removed from plants as soon as they appear. “Pinching” of certain varieties weekly is to be a part of the on-going maintenance as well. Frequent “pinching” will result in healthier, more compact plants. Prolific bloomers such as Salvia require that 10% to 20% of healthy blooms are to be removed weekly. Pre-emergent herbicides are not to be used in annual beds. Contractor guarantees the survivability and performance of all annual plantings for a period of 90 days. Any plant that fails to perform during this period will be immediately replaced at the contractor’s expense. Warranty Any bedding plant that dies due to insect damage or disease will be replaced under warranty. Exclusions to this warranty would be freeze, theft, or vandalism. E.2 - Bed Dressing Application of designated mulching to community bed spaces. Schedule Mulching will be carried out twice per year. Once in the spring, once in the fall. The most desirable months are May and Early November. Mulch will be priced “per yard”. Application will be completed within a two-week time period. Installation Prior to application, areas will be prepared by removing all foreign debris and establishing a defined, uniform edge to all bed and tree rings as well as a 1” to 2” deep trench along all hardscape surfaces to include equipment pads, in order to hold the mulch in place. Bed dressing should be installed in weed free beds that have been properly edged and prepared. Bed Dressing should be installed to maintain a 2” thickness in all bed areas, including tree rings in lawn areas and maintenance strips unless otherwise directed by the CDD representative. Some areas will require more mulch than others. Focal areas are to be prioritized. If at any point the application does not allow enough yards to maintain 2-inch depth across beds, then an additional proposal will be created by the contractor for the additional needed yards. E.3 - Palm Trimming Schedule Specimen Date Palms such as Phoenix varieties (i.e. Dactylifera, Sylvester, Senegal Date,etc.) in excess of 12’ will be trimmed up to two times per year in June and/or December as needed. All vegetation will be removed from their trunk and nut and loose or excessive boots will be removed and/or cross cut during this process. Contractor will monitor for disease and recommend treatment if necessary. All palms less than 15’ will be trimmed as needed by the detail crew during the regular detail rotation as outlined in General Services. Washingtonia palms in excess of 15’ will be trimmed up to two times per year in the months of February and August as needed. All palms other than Washingtonia, in excess 15’ will be trimmed up to once per year in the month of August. Trimming shall include removal of all dead fronds, loose boots and seed stalks. Trim palms so that the lowest remaining fronds are left at a ten and two o’clock profile or nine and three o’clock at the discretion of management. “Hurricane” cuts are only to be done at the direction of the CDD representative. When trimming, cut the frond close to the trunk without leaving “stubs”. It is imperative that the contractor use clean and sanitized tools, sanitizing their tools thoroughly from tree to tree. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Riverwalk CDD Riverwalk CDD e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Landscape Maintenance and Services Proposal April 10, 2024 e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Thank you in advanced for considering a partnership with Exclusive Landscaping the professionals you can count on. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and to present you the best option to improve your facility grounds while saving you money and time.   EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is a full-service landscaping company, licensed and insured in the state of Florida. We have been in business for over twelve years and continue to grow strong. Our company has served landscaping needs to both residential and commercial clients throughout Central Florida. Our most recent commercial accounts include large home subdivisions, with over 2,200 single-family homes combined. We have provided services to both the community - including recreation, common area and numerous individual homes within the community.   EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. has earned its strong reputation in the landscaping industry thanks to the emphasis we make on the best customer service at a better than average pricing plans. We are proud to report a 99% + retention rate from our customers, well above the industry standards. The company offers competitive rates, honesty and reliable work in all areas. We take pride in our work, and it shows; our motto says it all, ¨Landscaping is not just our job, it is our passion¨.   We look forward to sharing with your information on how we can provide you with a superior service at a price that is competitive and fair. Please feel free to contact us at any time.     Sincerely, Jeremy LaPaglia Director of Operation Thank you in advanced for considering a partnership with Exclusive Landscaping the professionals you can count on. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and to present you the best option to improve your facility grounds while saving you money and time. EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is a full-service landscaping company, licensed and insured in the state of Florida. We have been in business for over twelve years and continue to grow strong. Our company has served landscaping needs to both residential and commercial clients throughout Central Florida. Our most recent commercial accounts include large home subdivisions, with over 2,200 singlefamily homes combined. We have provided services to both the community - including recreation, common area and numerous individual homes within the community. EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. has earned its strong reputation in the landscaping industry thanks to the emphasis we make on the best customer service at a better than average pricing plans. We are proud to report a 99% + retention rate from our customers, well above the industry standards. The company offers competitive rates, honesty and reliable work in all areas. We take pride in our work, and it shows; our motto says it all, ¨Landscaping is not just our job, it is our passion¨. We look forward to sharing with your information on how we can provide you with a superior service at a price that is competitive and fair. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sincerely, Jeremy LaPaglia Director of Operation e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Welcome To Exclusive Riverwalk CDD Welcome To Exclusive Riverwalk CDD Logo Description automatically generated Page: 2 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Transformation Plan Transformation Plan e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 This checklist is provided as an outline of the initial tasks that our Landscape Maintenance teams will perform as we begin serving your property. We've divided the tasks over the first 30, 60, and 90 days of service in order to provide you with a tool to monitor and measure our team's performance as we begin our partnership as your landscape maintenance service partner. This checklist is provided as an outline of the initial tasks that our Landscape Maintenance teams will perform as we begin serving your property. We've divided the tasks over the first 30, 60, and 90 days of service in order to provide you with a tool to monitor and measure our team's performance as we begin our partnership as your landscape maintenance service partner. Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Page: 3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Meet with Property Manager to review 30 - 60 - 90 Day Plan Discuss with Property Manager our "Approach to Services" and "Service Map" Complete an irrigation audit of the entire system Present irrigation deficiencies with plan for corrections Begin maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging Spend significant amount of time cleaning up the areas that have been neglected (sidewalk mowing & edging, weeding beds and entrance features) Spot treat weeds in turf areas to be reclaimed • Meet with Property Manager to review 30 - 60 - 90 Day Plan • Discuss with Property Manager our "Approach to Services" and "Service Map" • Complete an irrigation audit of the entire system • Present irrigation deficiencies with plan for corrections • Begin maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging • Spend significant amount of time cleaning up the areas that have been neglected (sidewalk mowing & edging, weeding beds and entrance features) • Spot treat weeds in turf areas to be reclaimed e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Discuss options for turf areas beyond reclamation Continue weed control in planting beds Begin bed separation trimming in all planting beds Apply fertilizer to struggling shrubs throughout the property Begin insect and disease program on all plant material Discuss removing severely declining plant material Prepare proposals for replacing missing and dead shrub material throughout property Perform first turf fertilizer application Walk Property with Property Manager to identify other areas of concern • Discuss options for turf areas beyond reclamation • Continue weed control in planting beds • Begin bed separation trimming in all planting beds • Apply fertilizer to struggling shrubs throughout the property • Begin insect and disease program on all plant material • Discuss removing severely declining plant material • Prepare proposals for replacing missing and dead shrub material throughout property Perform first turf fertilizer application • Walk Property with Property Manager to identify other areas of concern e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 First 30 Days First 30 Days e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Transformation Plan Transformation Plan e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Page: 4 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Walk property with Property Manager to evaluate improvements Evaluate our "Approach to Services" and make any necessary adjustments Continue irrigation maintenance and inspections Continue routine maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging • Walk property with Property Manager to evaluate improvements • Evaluate our "Approach to Services" and make any necessary adjustments • Continue irrigation maintenance and inspections • Continue routine maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 30-60 Days 30-60 Days e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Continue bed separation in all planting beds Retreat turf weeds Continue weed control applications throughout property Monitor and treat insect and disease problems in plant material throughout property Discuss options to improve "curb appeal" in high profile areas • Continue bed separation in all planting beds Retreat turf weeds • Continue weed control applications throughout property • Monitor and treat insect and disease problems in plant material throughout property • Discuss options to improve "curb appeal" in high profile areas e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 60-90 Days 60-90 Days e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Walk property with Property Manager to evaluate improvements Assess results from actions taken in 30 day and 60 day plans Continue irrigation maintenance/inspections • Walk property with Property Manager to evaluate improvements • Assess results from actions taken in 30 day and 60 day plans • Continue irrigation maintenance/inspections e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Continue turf weed applications as needed Continue weed control applications throughout property Monitor and treat insect and disease problems in plant material throughout property Continue routine maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging • Continue turf weed applications as needed • Continue weed control applications throughout property • Monitor and treat insect and disease problems in plant material throughout property • Continue routine maintenance - mowing, blowing and edging e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Exclusive Landscaping About Us Exclusive Landscaping About Us e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Company Profile Company Profile e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is based in Orlando, Florida. The company was established in 2008, and since then it has offered complete landscaping solutions, specializing in landscaping design and maintenance.   All employees of Exclusive Landscaping Group Inc. undergo extensive background checks, receive thorough training in all aspects of the landscaping industry, and are required to meet and exceed our client’s needs and expectations. Our leadership team all come with a variety of degrees and licenses to ensure we have the proper knowledge to provide the services we do. EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is based in Orlando, Florida. The company was established in 2008, and since then it has offered complete landscaping solutions, specializing in landscaping design and maintenance. All employees of Exclusive Landscaping Group Inc. undergo extensive background checks, receive thorough training in all aspects of the landscaping industry, and are required to meet and exceed our client’s needs and expectations. Our leadership team all come with a variety of degrees and licenses to ensure we have the proper knowledge to provide the services we do. Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Page: 7 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Our Mission Our Mission e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is dedicated to provide quality-landscaping services. We strive to create a long-term relationships with our clients based on honesty, quality, dependability, and outstanding results. All this will help our customers and potential clientele make the right choices to meet their needs and budgets. EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP INC. is dedicated to provide quality-landscaping services. We strive to create a long-term relationships with our clients based on honesty, quality, dependability, and outstanding results. All this will help our customers and potential clientele make the right choices to meet their needs and budgets. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 We accomplish this Mission through our belief in fairness, dedication, quality improvement process, and professionalism that extends to our customers and our employees We accomplish this Mission through our belief in fairness, dedication, quality improvement process, and professionalism that extends to our customers and our employees e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Our Services Our Services e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 A Full Scale All Inclusive Landscape Company At Your Service e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 This contract is an agreement between EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP, INC., hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”, and Riverwalk CDD hereinafter referred to as “the Client”.   This contract is an agreement between EXCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING GROUP, INC., hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”, and Riverwalk CDD hereinafter referred to as “the Client”. Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Mowing, Edging and Blowing Mowing, Edging and Blowing e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Forty-two (42) mowing cycles in a 12-month period shall take place. Turf maintenance is defined as all mowing, edging, trimming and cleanup of lawn areas. Turf maintenance operations are to be completed the same day they are begun. Forty-two (42) mowing cycles in a 12-month period shall take place. Turf maintenance is defined as all mowing, edging, trimming and cleanup of lawn areas. Turf maintenance operations are to be completed the same day they are begun. Logo Description automatically generated SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Frequency – 42 times per year e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Mowing to be performed weekly during the months of April through October and every other week from the months of November through March.. Mowing to be performed weekly during the months of April through October and every other week from the months of November through March.. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Mowing is done by reel, rotary or mulching mower. Mower blades are sharpened at all times and properly adjusted to provide quality cut. Mowing is done by reel, rotary or mulching mower. Mower blades are sharpened at all times and properly adjusted to provide quality cut. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Mowing height will be according to grass type and variety. Mowing height will be according to grass type and variety. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Edging of all hard surfaces performed during each mowing. Edging of all hard surfaces performed during each mowing. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Turf around sprinkler heads will be trimmed or treated with a non-selective herbicide to not intercept water output.. Turf around sprinkler heads will be trimmed or treated with a non-selective herbicide to not intercept water output.. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Edging of all planter beds during every other mowing. Edging of all planter beds during every other mowing. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Clippings will be left on the lawn as long as no readily visible clumps remain on the grass surface 36 hours after mowing. Otherwise, large clumps of clippings will be distributed by mechanical blowing or collected and removed by the contractor. Clippings will be left on the lawn as long as no readily visible clumps remain on the grass surface 36 hours after mowing. Otherwise, large clumps of clippings will be distributed by mechanical blowing or collected and removed by the contractor. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 In the case of fungal disease outbreaks, clippings will be collected until the disease is undetectable. In the case of fungal disease outbreaks, clippings will be collected until the disease is undetectable. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Isolated trees and shrubs growing in lawn areas will require mulched areas around them (minimum 2 feet diameter to avoid bark injury from mowers and filament line trimmers and to reduce root competition from grass. Isolated trees and shrubs growing in lawn areas will require mulched areas around them (minimum 2 feet diameter to avoid bark injury from mowers and filament line trimmers and to reduce root competition from grass. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Cleaning all clippings from sidewalks, curbs and roadways immediately after mowing and/or edging. Clipping will not be swept, blown or otherwise disposed of in sewer drains. Cleaning all clippings from sidewalks, curbs and roadways immediately after mowing and/or edging. Clipping will not be swept, blown or otherwise disposed of in sewer drains. Page: 9 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Prior to mowing, remove and dispose of normal litter and debris from all landscape areas. Prior to mowing, remove and dispose of normal litter and debris from all landscape areas. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Turf & Ornamental Shrubbery Pest Control & Fertilization Turf & Ornamental Shrubbery Pest Control & Fertilization e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Complete fertilizers shall be granular in composition and contain 30% to 50% of the nitrogen in a slow or controlled released form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be 1:1 or 2:1 for complete fertilizer formulations. Complete fertilizers shall be granular in composition and contain 30% to 50% of the nitrogen in a slow or controlled released form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be 1:1 or 2:1 for complete fertilizer formulations. SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Frequency – 4 times per year e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Turf damaging insect control to be performed on a preventative and curative basis with turf fertilization applications. Turf damaging insect control to be performed on a preventative and curative basis with turf fertilization applications. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Broadleaf weed control pre-emergence and post-emergence applications to be performed during all cool-season turf fertilization applications. Broadleaf weed control pre-emergence and post-emergence applications to be performed during all cool-season turf fertilization applications. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Fungicide applications shall be applied on an as-needed basis. Fungicide applications shall be applied on an as-needed basis. Page: 10 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Fertilization to be performed using granular products with rich micronutrient package. Fertilization to be performed using granular products with rich micronutrient package. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Insect control to be performed on a preventative and curative basis with turf fertilization. Insect control to be performed on a preventative and curative basis with turf fertilization. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Fungicide applications shall be applied on an as-needed basis. Fungicide applications shall be applied on an as-needed basis. A person holding a hose in front of a house Description automatically generated with low confidence e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Weed Control Weed Control e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Weed control in curbs, ground between plants, joints in walks, decks and driveways will be performed using appropriate manual (hand pulling), mechanical (spin trimming) and/or chemical control (herbicide). Weed control in curbs, ground between plants, joints in walks, decks and driveways will be performed using appropriate manual (hand pulling), mechanical (spin trimming) and/or chemical control (herbicide). SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Frequency Twice a Month e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Herbicides may be applied for heavy weed infestations if approved by client, and it will be applied with care not to injure adjacent plants. Herbicides may be applied for heavy weed infestations if approved by client, and it will be applied with care not to injure adjacent plants. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Weed control is expected to be performed at a frequency of two (2) times per month. Weed control is expected to be performed at a frequency of two (2) times per month. Page: 11 A picture containing grass, outdoor, tree, field Description automatically generated A picture containing grass, outdoor, plant, garden Description automatically generated Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Irrigation System Inspections Irrigation System Inspections e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Irrigation system inspections to be performed on a monthly basis Irrigation system inspections to be performed on a monthly basis Logo Description automatically generated SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Frequency - 12 times per year e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Activate each zone of the system. Activate each zone of the system. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Setting of all controllers to assure proper water management according to weather conditions and seasonal requirements and municipal guideline adherence. Setting of all controllers to assure proper water management according to weather conditions and seasonal requirements and municipal guideline adherence. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Testing rain sensor when applicable. Testing rain sensor when applicable. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Clean, straighten or adjust any heads not functioning properly. Clean, straighten or adjust any heads not functioning properly. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Report any valve or valve box that may be damaged in any way. Report any valve or valve box that may be damaged in any way. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Provision of monthly irrigation system inspection reports that provide detailed listing of system breakages and an accompanying estimate for the labor and materials associated with the recommended repair. Provision of monthly irrigation system inspection reports that provide detailed listing of system breakages and an accompanying estimate for the labor and materials associated with the recommended repair. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Repair work caused by Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. in the cause of our landscape maintenance activity is the responsibility of Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. and will be repaired at no charge. Repair work caused by Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. in the cause of our landscape maintenance activity is the responsibility of Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. and will be repaired at no charge. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Upon receipt of written approval from the client, all system repairs will be charged at an hourly rate of $45.00 plus parts. Upon receipt of written approval from the client, all system repairs will be charged at an hourly rate of $45.00 plus parts. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. assumes no liability beyond its control, disclaims any and all express or implied warranties, and is not responsible for the condition of the landscaping or irrigation system due to freeze, irrigation deficiencies, storm damage, vandalism, pedestrian or vehicle damage. Exclusive Landscaping Group, Inc. assumes no liability beyond its control, disclaims any and all express or implied warranties, and is not responsible for the condition of the landscaping or irrigation system due to freeze, irrigation deficiencies, storm damage, vandalism, pedestrian or vehicle damage. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Visually check for any damaged heads or heads needing repair. Visually check for any damaged heads or heads needing repair. Page: 12 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Watering Restrictions & Drought Conditions: Should the property be located in an area which is or becomes subject to governmental restrictions on water usage and/or watering times applicable to the services Exclusive will comply with such governmental restrictions which may then impact the performance, viability and/or looks of plant materials and as such shall be deemed circumstances beyond its reasonable control. Watering Restrictions & Drought Conditions: Should the property be located in an area which is or becomes subject to governmental restrictions on water usage and/or watering times applicable to the services Exclusive will comply with such governmental restrictions which may then impact the performance, viability and/or looks of plant materials and as such shall be deemed circumstances beyond its reasonable control. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Shrub, Tree Pruning & Trimming (Under 10ft. Tall) Shrub, Tree Pruning & Trimming (Under 10ft. Tall) e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Shrubs will be pruned with hand shears as needed to provide an informal shape, fullness, and bloom. Shrubs will be pruned with hand shears as needed to provide an informal shape, fullness, and bloom. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Tree and palm tree pruning will be done as needed throughout the year and limited to branches and/or brown fronds and seed heads. Tree and palm tree pruning will be done as needed throughout the year and limited to branches and/or brown fronds and seed heads. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 No green palm fronds shall be removed. No green palm fronds shall be removed. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Pruning paint markers will not be applied Pruning paint markers will not be applied e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 No trees under utility lines will be pruned, this is the responsibility of the respective utility company, and no pruning will be done during or immediately following growth flushes. No trees under utility lines will be pruned, this is the responsibility of the respective utility company, and no pruning will be done during or immediately following growth flushes. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Branches will be pruned just outside the branch collar. Branches will be pruned just outside the branch collar. Logo Description automatically generated SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Frequency – As needed e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Sucker growth will be removed by hand from the base of trees. Sucker growth will be removed by hand from the base of trees. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Removal of all generated debris from the property. Removal of all generated debris from the property. Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Tree, Palm Tree Pruning and Trimming (Over 10ft. Tall) Tree, Palm Tree Pruning and Trimming (Over 10ft. Tall) e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Booting and trimming of all trees and palm trees over a height of 10 ft. to be performed during the months of September/October. Booting and trimming of all trees and palm trees over a height of 10 ft. to be performed during the months of September/October. SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Per Customer Request e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Trees and palm trees will be trimmed starting at a cost of $35 to $150 each depending on the size. Crape Myrtles pruning starting at $15 to $35 each to trim. Trees and palm trees will be trimmed starting at a cost of $35 to $150 each depending on the size. Crape Myrtles pruning starting at $15 to $35 each to trim. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 No trees under utility lines will be pruned, this is the responsibility of the respective utility company, and no pruning will be done during or immediately following growth flushes. No trees under utility lines will be pruned, this is the responsibility of the respective utility company, and no pruning will be done during or immediately following growth flushes. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Removal of all generated debris from the property. Removal of all generated debris from the property. Page: 14 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Installation of 4” annuals in all existing annual beds performed at quarterly intervals. Spring - February Summer - June Fall - September Winter – December Annual rotations shall include the provision of all necessary soil amendments and potting media. Annual flowers: Cost per unit: Between $1.89 and $4.50 Perennials: Cost per unit: Between $5.00 and $12.00 Provision of necessary maintenance rotations inclusive of fungicide and fertilization applications to be provided as needed. Installation of 4” annuals in all existing annual beds performed at quarterly intervals. Spring - February Summer - June Fall - September Winter – December Annual rotations shall include the provision of all necessary soil amendments and potting media. Annual flowers: Cost per unit: Between $1.89 and $4.50 Perennials: Cost per unit: Between $5.00 and $12.00 Provision of necessary maintenance rotations inclusive of fungicide and fertilization applications to be provided as needed. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Flowers & Plants Installation Flowers & Plants Installation e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 SPECIFICATION DETAILS Page: 15 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 REPLACEMENT OF MULCH BEDS REPLACEMENT OF MULCH BEDS e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Certified playground mulch $62 per yard. Certified playground mulch $62 per yard. Logo Description automatically generated SPECIFICATION DETAILS | As Needed Per Customer Request Page: 16 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Any additional mulch replacement out of the scope of the frequency will incur in an additional charge of $55.00 per yard. Any additional mulch replacement out of the scope of the frequency will incur in an additional charge of $55.00 per yard. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Replacement of mulch beds $55.00 per yard Replacement of mulch beds $55.00 per yard e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Recommendation 1 time per year Recommendation 1 time per year Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Other Services Other Services e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Works performed under this section will be completed on a time and material basis and it is not included in the contract maintenance price. Estimates for proposed work will be submitted to the proper authorizing person for approval before the extra work is started. Example of services offered are: Works performed under this section will be completed on a time and material basis and it is not included in the contract maintenance price. Estimates for proposed work will be submitted to the proper authorizing person for approval before the extra work is started. Example of services offered are: SPECIFICATION DETAILS | Per Customer Approval e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Maintenance of aquatic sites. General hauling. Interior plant maintenance. Leaf pickup is an extra service. General clean up of areas not covered by standard contract. Maintenance of areas not covered by standard contract. Upgrades/Repairs to the irrigation system not caused during the standard ground maintenance. Vehicle damage to any areas not covered or covered by the standard contract. • Maintenance of aquatic sites. • General hauling. • Interior plant maintenance. • Leaf pickup is an extra service. • General clean up of areas not covered by standard contract. • Maintenance of areas not covered by standard contract. • Upgrades/Repairs to the irrigation system not caused during the standard ground maintenance. • Vehicle damage to any areas not covered or covered by the standard contract. Page: 17 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Major clean up due to storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and other Acts-of-God. Large tree removal and trimming. Installation of rain shut-off device. Major irrigation system modifications. Removal of plant material that has died due to winter freezes, floods, fire or other Acts-of-God. Landscape additions/ renovations/ transplanting. Transplanting of existing trees will be accomplished during January/February for dormant species and April-August for palms. Landscape additions/ renovations/ transplanting. Transplanting of existing trees will be accomplished during January/February for dormant species and April-August for palms. Plant or turf replacement (not attributed to Contractor negligence). • Major clean up due to storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and other Acts-of-God. • Large tree removal and trimming. • Installation of rain shut-off device. • Major irrigation system modifications. • Removal of plant material that has died due to winter freezes, floods, fire or other Actsof- God. • Landscape additions/ renovations/ transplanting. Transplanting of existing trees will be accomplished during January/February for dormant species and April-August for palms. • Landscape additions/ renovations/ transplanting. Transplanting of existing trees will be accomplished during January/February for dormant species and April-August for palms. • Plant or turf replacement (not attributed to Contractor negligence). e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Terms of Contract Terms of Contract e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 The Contractor and the Client hereby promise and agree as follows: The Contractor and the Client hereby promise and agree as follows: Logo Description automatically generated Page: 18 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Riverwalk CDD Riverwalk CDD Complimentary complete analysis of irrigation system to ensure it is up and running properly with signed contract Services Monthly Price Annual Price Unit Price Landscaping Maintenance for Common Areas $6,548.08 $78,576.96 Fertilization/Pest Maintenance 4 time Quarterly $1,000.00 $12,000.00 Irrigation $500.00 $6,000.00 Additional Services $0.00 $45.00 Per Hour Labor Irrigation Repairs $0.00 $45.00 Per Hour Labor + Parts Cost Annuals Installation $0.00 $1.89 Per Plant Mulch Replacement $0.00 $55.00 Per Yard Total $8,048.08 $96,576.96 12 e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D The Contractor’s employees will, at all times, wear the company’s uniform while on the Client’s property. The Contractor’s employees shall wear OSHA approved work boots at all times and OSHA approved safety apparel when conditions or the situation requires it, while on the Client’s property. • The Contractor’s employees will, at all times, wear the company’s uniform while on the Client’s property. • The Contractor’s employees shall wear OSHA approved work boots at all times and OSHA approved safety apparel when conditions or the situation requires it, while on the Client’s property. e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D UNIFORMS UNIFORMS e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D We consider a good practice to perform on a regular basis, either monthly or quarterly, scheduled site inspections between the Contractor and the Client • We consider a good practice to perform on a regular basis, either monthly or quarterly, scheduled site inspections between the Contractor and the Client e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D SITE INSPECTIONS SITE INSPECTIONS e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D CLEAN UP CLEAN UP e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Page: 19 e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D All excessive trimmings and clippings and any accumulated trash, litter, and/or debris on the property will be removed and disposed of during the visits performed. Fallen limbs larger than 2” in diameter or excessive storm debris are not included in the contract. The scope of work does not cover them. Any trash, debris, and/or litter not generated from the detail rotation can be placed into any available trash container or receptacle on the property. • All excessive trimmings and clippings and any accumulated trash, litter, and/or debris on the property will be removed and disposed of during the visits performed. • Fallen limbs larger than 2” in diameter or excessive storm debris are not included in the contract. The scope of work does not cover them. • Any trash, debris, and/or litter not generated from the detail rotation can be placed into any available trash container or receptacle on the property. e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Uniform Uniform e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 A picture containing clothing, orange, shirt, coat Description automatically generated Solid Forest Green Color Digital Art by Garaga Designs S419, Burgundy, Color Caulk for Arborite Laminate 000000 Hex Color | RGB: 0, 0, 0 | BLACK BEHR 1 gal. #N500-6 Graphic Charcoal Solid Color House and Fence Exterior Wood Stain-03001 - The Home Depot e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Irrigation Department Irrigation e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Leader Department Leader e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Installation Department Installation e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Agronomy (Pest Control) Department Agronomy (Pest Control) e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Administrative Department Administrative FF6600 Hex Color | RGB: 255, 102, 0 | BLAZE ORANGE, ORANGE RED e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Department Maintenance Department Maintenance Fruit of the Loom Plain FOREST BOTTLE DARK GREEN Polo Shirt S-3XL | eBay Dickies Occupational Workwear WP314DN Cotton Relaxed Fit Men's Flat Front Casual Pant with Straight Leg, Navy Blue: Amazon.com: Clothing Safgard :: Work Boots, Safety Shoes, Steel Toe, Waterproof, Safety Footwear, Bates, Boots, ANSI & ASTM e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSURANCE, LICENSES, PERMITS AND LIABILITY CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSURANCE, LICENSES, PERMITS AND LIABILITY e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 The Contractor will carry liability amounts and workmen’s compensation coverage required by law on his operators and employees. The Contractor requires same of any sub-contractors and provides proof of same to the Client. The Contractor is also responsible for obtaining any licenses and/or permits required by law for activities in Client’s property . Personnel will be licensed for all applicable maintenance functions, including any pesticide or supplemental nutrient applications, as required by law. The Contractor will carry liability amounts and workmen’s compensation coverage required by law on his operators and employees. The Contractor requires same of any sub-contractors and provides proof of same to the Client. The Contractor is also responsible for obtaining any licenses and/or permits required by law for activities in Client’s property . Personnel will be licensed for all applicable maintenance functions, including any pesticide or supplemental nutrient applications, as required by law. Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 B - Situations which the Contractor may deem are not his/her responsibility:   Death or decline of plant materials due to improper selection, placement, planting, or maintenance done before the time of this contract. Exposed cables/wires or sprinkler components/lines normally found below the lawn’s surface. Flooding, storm, wind or cold damages. Damage caused by or to any item hidden in the landscape and not clearly guarded or marked. . B - Situations which the Contractor may deem are not his/her responsibility: • Death or decline of plant materials due to improper selection, placement, planting, or maintenance done before the time of this contract. • Exposed cables/wires or sprinkler components/lines normally found below the lawn’s surface. • Flooding, storm, wind or cold damages. • Damage caused by or to any item hidden in the landscape and not clearly guarded or marked. . e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 A - Situations which the Contractor may deem are his/her responsibility: Any damage due to operation of his equipment in performing the contract. Complying with all laws pertaining to protected plant species such as the mangrove. Damage to plant material due to improper horticultural practices. Improper replacement or retrofitting of irrigation system components. Injury to non-target organisms in application of pesticides. . A - Situations which the Contractor may deem are his/her responsibility: • Any damage due to operation of his equipment in performing the contract. • Complying with all laws pertaining to protected plant species such as the mangrove. • Damage to plant material due to improper horticultural practices. • Improper replacement or retrofitting of irrigation system components. • Injury to non-target organisms in application of pesticides. . Page: 22 Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated Page: 23 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Gridium Gridium e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Community managers face a daily battle with overflowing resident requests, vendor appointments, and preventative maintenance reminders. Gridium organizes this chaos into a single, elegant interface accessible from anywhere. Community managers face a daily battle with overflowing resident requests, vendor appointments, and preventative maintenance reminders. Gridium organizes this chaos into a single, elegant interface accessible from anywhere. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Work Order Work Order Page: 24 Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Stay Connected Stay Connected e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 The Communication Messenger allows our company to communicate with Boards and Manager. By send text/video messages, video calls, share images, documents, user locations, and other content to better stay connected with your needs. The Communication Messenger allows our company to communicate with Boards and Manager. By send text/video messages, video calls, share images, documents, user locations, and other content to better stay connected with your needs. e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Page: 25 Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Fleet Monitoring Fleet Monitoring e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 We know that we can’t watch everything all the time… but with our GPS fleet tracking system It will give us an overview of your entire fleet, allowing us to view where they are right now, history of where they have been, and reporting to identify and correct bad driver behavior such as unauthorized stops, excessive speeding, and idling. To best provide the most important thing safety to all. We know that we can’t watch everything all the time… but with our GPS fleet tracking system It will give us an overview of your entire fleet, allowing us to view where they are right now, history of where they have been, and reporting to identify and correct bad driver behavior such as unauthorized stops, excessive speeding, and idling. To best provide the most important thing safety to all. Page: 26 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Landscape Design Software Landscape Design Software e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Our Landscape design software includes the largest and best image library with over 18,000 high quality photographs of plants by climate zone, hardscapes, water features, statuary, outdoor kitchens and fireplaces, and much, much more. And of course, you can easily add your own objects to the library. The image library includes detailed information about each plant that you can provide to your customers, including both common and botanical names, climate zones, flower color, flower season, description and more. Our Landscape design software includes the largest and best image library with over 18,000 high quality photographs of plants by climate zone, hardscapes, water features, statuary, outdoor kitchens and fireplaces, and much, much more. And of course, you can easily add your own objects to the library. The image library includes detailed information about each plant that you can provide to your customers, including both common and botanical names, climate zones, flower color, flower season, description and more. Page: 27 A picture containing text, person, computer, indoor Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Logo Description automatically generated Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Exclusive’s Fleet Exclusive’s Fleet e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Exclusives service vehicles will be well maintained and clean in appearance. Vehicles must be properly licensed and tagged, operated by licensed personnel. Exclusive’s vehicles must operate in a safe and courteous manner while on Clients property. Pedestrians have the right of way and service vehicles are expected to yield. Trailers, storage facilities, and maintenance equipment must be in good condition and present a clean and neat appearance. Tools and equipment must be properly suited for their purpose and used in a safe manner always utilizing the appropriate safety gear. • Exclusives service vehicles will be well maintained and clean in appearance. • Vehicles must be properly licensed and tagged, operated by licensed personnel. • Exclusive’s vehicles must operate in a safe and courteous manner while on Clients property. Pedestrians have the right of way and service vehicles are expected to yield. • Trailers, storage facilities, and maintenance equipment must be in good condition and present a clean and neat appearance. • Tools and equipment must be properly suited for their purpose and used in a safe manner always utilizing the appropriate safety gear. Page: 28 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Lawn Maintenance Equipment Lawn Maintenance Equipment e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page: 30 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 TERM OF THE CONTRACT: This is a two (2) year contract effective upon the Client(s) signature. In addition, the Client may elect to extend this contract for up to twelve additional months at the same terms. Any additional or unscheduled services agreed on by Client and Contractor should be billed separately and paid for at the time of service.     CANCELLATION:   The Client may cancel this contract in writing, if the reason for cancellation is service related, by providing written notice to the Contractor via certified mail with at least 30 days notice. The Contractor asks that the Client allow the opportunity to correct the grievance prior to written communication of cancellation. If no reason for cancellation is given or the cancellation is not related to services provided, this contract cannot be cancelled until the term is completed. Monthly fees shall be due to Contractor by the end of the calendar month following the month in which such goods/services were provided. Any past due amounts shall accrue interest at 5% per month. Contractor may cancel this contract in writing if Client does not pay any amounts within 30 days after the date due. Upon any cancellation of this contract, Client shall pay Contract for the pro rata value of any complimentary goods or services provided by Contractor in the twelve (12) months prior to such cancellation date, based on the number of months since such goods/services were provided divided by 12-months, with partial months to be considered an additional month.   TERM OF THE CONTRACT: This is a two (2) year contract effective upon the Client(s) signature. In addition, the Client may elect to extend this contract for up to twelve additional months at the same terms. Any additional or unscheduled services agreed on by Client and Contractor should be billed separately and paid for at the time of service. CANCELLATION: The Client may cancel this contract in writing, if the reason for cancellation is service related, by providing written notice to the Contractor via certified mail with at least 30 days notice. The Contractor asks that the Client allow the opportunity to correct the grievance prior to written communication of cancellation. If no reason for cancellation is given or the cancellation is not related to services provided, this contract cannot be cancelled until the term is completed. Monthly fees shall be due to Contractor by the end of the calendar month following the month in which such goods/services were provided. Any past due amounts shall accrue interest at 5% per month. Contractor may cancel this contract in writing if Client does not pay any amounts within 30 days after the date due. Upon any cancellation of this contract, Client shall pay Contract for the pro rata value of any complimentary goods or services provided by Contractor in the twelve (12) months prior to such cancellation date, based on the number of months since such goods/services were provided divided by 12-months, with partial months to be considered an additional month. Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT Page: 30 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 By signing below, the undersigned parties hereby warrant that they are authorized representatives of their respective companies and that have the authority to bind their employer and/or principal..   By signing below, the undersigned parties hereby warrant that they are authorized representatives of their respective companies and that have the authority to bind their employer and/or principal.. Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Client’s Approval Signed by: Printed Name: Company: Date: Client’s Approval Signed by: Printed Name: Company: Date: e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Contractor’s Approval Signed by: Jeremy LaPaglia Printed Name: Jeremy LaPaglia Company: Exclusive Landscaping Group Date: April 10, 2024 Contractor’s Approval Signed by: Jeremy LaPaglia Printed Name: Jeremy LaPaglia Company: Exclusive Landscaping Group Date: April 10, 2024 Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D ARC Recommendation ARC Recommendation e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Page: 31 Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Fences:   Please ensure all installed fences have a 6-inch mulch/plants buffer between the fence and the sod. This is to ensure our equipment can not get close enough to the fence for damages to occur. A commercial mower will be used for service,    please ensure the fence gate is a minimum of 4 feet wide. There must be a clear pathway for the mowers to get through. The landscapers are not responsible to move hoses, décor etc.      General Décor/Holiday Décor:   All general/holiday decor must be kept away from the landscaping. Landscapers are not liable for damaged décor that is placed in way of maintaining the lawn and shrubs. Any lawns/shrubbery that cannot be maintained due to general/holiday décor will not be touched. Lawns will not be mowed if there are inflatables or décor on the lawns.     Fences: Please ensure all installed fences have a 6-inch mulch/plants buffer between the fence and the sod. This is to ensure our equipment can not get close enough to the fence for damages to occur. A commercial mower will be used for service, please ensure the fence gate is a minimum of 4 feet wide. There must be a clear pathway for the mowers to get through. The landscapers are not responsible to move hoses, décor etc. General Décor/Holiday Décor: All general/holiday decor must be kept away from the landscaping. Landscapers are not liable for damaged décor that is placed in way of maintaining the lawn and shrubs. Any lawns/shrubbery that cannot be maintained due to general/holiday décor will not be touched. Lawns will not be mowed if there are inflatables or décor on the lawns. Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts Green Grass PNG Image Background | PNG Arts e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D References References e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Reference #1 Contact: Hamid Medrano – Property Manager (305) 586-6722 Reference #2 Contact: Ron Shipwash – Property Manager (954) 601-7161 Reference #1 Contact: Hamid Medrano – Property Manager (305) 586-6722 Reference #2 Contact: Ron Shipwash – Property Manager (954) 601-7161 Page: 32 Logo Description automatically generated e7d195523061f1c07797a755f80b33936a4bdb71a1e2e9b3B62BFFCC95B79A52B69A880DC502B9E829A24DBA5CC298944ED7C125A3C86A656AA7F644DB8944A014E04A9878B8132B29416743944FF5DCC507526376A5AC58EE0F1A5FC8F59998C0CD06DB888E7E35498044740ECB45703F93F7CBDEB709086779009466080462A6986075B2B43D Reference #3 Contact: Nigel Gough – Board President of Falcon Trace (407) 491-7117 Reference #4 Carlos Cortez – Board President of Little Creek (407) 319-3850 Reference #3 Contact: Nigel Gough – Board President of Falcon Trace (407) 491-7117 Reference #4 Carlos Cortez – Board President of Little Creek (407) 319-3850 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 407-406-8989 407-406-8989 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 ADDRESS ADDRESS e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 399 Central Florida Parkway Unit A Orlando, FL 32824 399 Central Florida Parkway Unit A Orlando, FL 32824 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 PHONE PHONE e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 Office@exclusivelandscapingnow.com Office@exclusivelandscapingnow.com e7d195523061f1c0c30ee18c1b05f65d12b38e2533cb2ccdAE0CC34CB5CBEBFAEC353FED4DECE97C3E379FD1D933F5E4DC18EF8EA6B7A1130D5F6DE9DD2BE4BA8C9126ACE5083D1F5A9E323B29CCFC7F042FE715CF7456D18D492CA723749FAEC36E2A68002032F2136E350DEAA1AE0800CEEBC9394AAD882D1255265622E50D1FF8D843DB9BB3 EMAIL EMAIL Logo, company name Description automatically generated CASCADE FOUNTAINS DIV. FOUNTAIN DESIGN GROUP, INC. 7628 N.W 6th AVENUE SERVICE CENTERS : ORLANDO AND TAMPA PHONE: (800) 446-1537 FAX (561) 994-3944 BOCA RATON, FL. 33487 PROPOSAL # 7023 Date: March. 14, 2024 To: Riverwalk CDD c/o GMS - Central Florida 219 E. Livingston Street Orlando, Fl. 32801 Jarrett Wright 407-841-5524 407-750-3599 jwright@gmscfl.com Ship To: Riverwalk CDD S. Econlockatchee Trail Orlando, Fl. 32829 Attn: Phone: Cell: Email: FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL Scope of Work: Fountain Design Group will perform the following Quarterly cleaning, (12) Twelve Floating Fountains at the property listed above, per the check list below: 1) Check control panel components and amperage draw on pump and motors, including timers on fountain 2) Clean exterior of intake screen on lake fountain 3) Clean, check, and adjust water feature jets on lake fountain 4) Clean and check lenses on lighting system for lake fountain 5) Visually check all accessible piping systems for possible damage 6) Make any needed repairs under $400.00 to fountain or components This is a cleaning contract only and any other services required besides those listed above will be quoted. Once If additional service is required, our standard labor rate of $135.00 for first half hour and $105.00 each additional we receive approval we will proceed with repairs. hour thereafter, plus parts. **Either party may cancel this agreement with a 30-Day Notice. ***This is a cleaning contract only, repair will be charged out at our labor rate plus cost of parts used. If we are unable to repair the fountain a quote will be sent to replace the fountain with a new lake fountain. COST : $930.00 per Quarterly Cleaning Payable upon receipt of invoice to Fountain Design Group, Inc. Respectfully Submitted, FOUNTAIN DESIGN GROUP Acceptance of Proposal: Fountain Design Group, Inc. is authorized to complete the work as specified. The above price, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Signature: Date of Acceptance: CONDITIONS All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner . Any alteration from specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written approval from the client and will become an additional charge from the approved proposal amount